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As part of our engagement to help Ford form a fully integrated communications platform, we were asked by the Chief Communications Officer to create a Communications Manifesto for his global teams. ‘Are you ready? Communicating in a New World’ addresses the wholesale disruption of media and messaging, and the importance for brands of bringing human value to the evolving social conversation. This is best done through principled behavior that builds value at every touchpoint. And, it reflects the changing responsibility of corporate brands to convey purpose in a clearly transparent way, in order to earn a position of trust. Ford, as a company, lives a fundamental truth – that freedom of movement drives human progress – and this idea is the rally-cry of the book....

In 2016 we began working with Ford Smart Mobility, a Palo Alto-based LLC created by Ford Motor Company to address the problems of 21st Century mobility. We helped to develop the foundational executive narrative with the Chairman. We also worked closely with the CEO to build strategic prototypes for its City Solutions positioning platform. Ford Smart Mobility had recently acquired Chariot, an urban transit start-up, and as part of our assignment we collaborated with its co-founder and CEO to position the brand for rapid growth. Latterly, we’ve worked with the Chief Communications Officer on the Ford company narrative through GTB, Ford’s agency of record....